Warehouse Management Solutions

Warehouse Management Solutions

Warehouse Management Solutions

Warehousing Management System based on Barcode allow line of sight basis data capture of products, vehicles and personnel flow from and within a warehouse.

We can help you remodel your warehouse by mapping locations, defining zones and check points where barcode based auto identification can be used to monitor and control flow of goods and people.

Warehousing RFID Systems will produce many significant benefits. One of main benefit that makes RFID a huge resource for warehousing industry is that tags do not require line of sight as bar codes do, they are direction independent. Warehouse workers do not need to be there to trigger in order for a reader to read an RFID tag. RFID readers can be set up in read zones that automatically monitor and record all movements for certain areas of the facility such as a shelf, secure storage areas, a dock door, or container yard. Eliminating the need to scan items in a warehouse will save enough time and item movement will be automatically recorded improving inventory control and shipping accuracy.

We provide turnkey solutions for warehousing management.

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